Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Versatile Blogger Award

Thank you to the beautiful ladies Stephanie from VidathingS and Mak from Beautiful Freaks!! I feel like we are starting a nice blogging friendship! These girls are amazing, sweet, and really awesome people all around so please check out and follow their blogs! As you guys may know I was nominated for the Liebster Award and adding this award is the cherry on top! 

As all awards, here are the Versatile Blogger Award's rules: 
  • Nominate some other new bloggers
  • Let them know you have nominated them 
  • Share 7 random facts about yourself
  • Thank the blogger who has nominated you
  • Add the Versatile Blogger Award to your post

1. I am very sarcastic! Its my humor :]

2. I started this blog to help me get accepted into FashionU which is a fashion weekend in New York held by Teen Vogue.

3.I either want to be a fashion buyer or do PR in fashion either way I want to do something in fashion!

4. I wait for the last minute to do everything, I am a huge procrastinator! 

5. If I could I would eat out for every meal haha I love to go out to eat! 

6. My fashion guilty pleasure is Barbie. I just love her hair and her cute outfits and I wish I could look like her.  

7. I am a T.V. junkie! I have "my shows" that I can not miss for example The Walking Dead! I am obsessed with this show, I just can't get enough of it! 


Simona from I heart black


  1. Dude seriously? I am so with you on the whole Barbie deal - If only it were possible..haha! ;D Congrats!!! <3


    1. For real! Blondes do have more fun ;]


  2. Congratulations!!! You totally deserve it (: xx
    gee @

    1. thank you so much! I checked out your blog! Its so cute!


  3. Congratulations sweetie:) You deserve it! I love walking dead, too bad its the seasons finale this week:/ And I am certainly a last-minute person!x

    1. Thank you! How do you feel about this season finale?!!? I have mixed reviews for it :/


    2. Emm to be honest I was a bit dissapointed, I was expecting much more from the season finale!:/ However I can't complain that much, I like how the story ended, makes me curious about what's going to happen with all those people!:)

  4. COngrats on the award!!! I loved reading the facts about you! I am also such a procrastinator - it's so bad! I leave everything until the last minute :/ Haha!
